A recent read that I would recommend. It was an eye-opening account of a confident young man (he's younger than me) who was born without legs. Even without his lower limbs he has travelled the world. It is a touching book and stimulating reminder of how our limitations may allow us to give up or strive harder. I want to be of the latter who won't make excuses, who won't curse God's craftsmanship, and who won't live below God's plan.
Even though this book wasn't written from a Christian perspective, I have to think Connolly's life parallels some Biblical victors. Moses was "limited of speech" and he became the voice of God to Pharaoh. David was "just a boy", but he stood tall and slung his slingshot in faith. Saul had his "thorn in the flesh" and yet he preached boldly knowing that prison and more hardship awaited him.
I truly can't imagine a life much more difficult than being legless. And yet I thought it may be worse to have perfectly good legs and amputate them. How often am I guilty of focusing on my "missing legs"? However "missing" isn't in God's vocabulary.