Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To hold a hummingbird

As I was carrying dishes out to the back patio for the girl's lunch, a poor little hummingbird dropped from the skylight onto our brick threshold. I began signaling through the glass door for the girls to get my camera. They couldn't open that door because the bird would have been smooshed so they circled the house with the camera. We took a few pictures and then decided to eat our peanut butter. Perhaps as we munched he would fly away.

After wiping the jam from our mouths, we inspected the hummingbird. The girls found a twig and I tried to see if he would perch on it. A no go. He looked close to death. I went inside and researched online how to care for an injured hummingbird.

Upon an internet suggestion, I made him some sugar water. Next I gently grasped the tiny fellow between my over-sized fingers. I dipped his beak in the concoction and he seemed to be drinking. He seemed to be interested in living. I let go of him to see if he would fly. Instead he fell into the water dish (a red peanut butter lid). I picked him up again and he shook his feathers dry and flew away.

The moral of the story is: Sugar revives the soul. And it might even get you to belt out a stanza of "I feel like I can fly."

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Husband is...

because he is


and that makes me

because it has been

years of hard work.

(solution: he-man, board, orthopedics, ridiculously happy)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Best friends

I count myself blessed to have two boys and two girls and that they love each other so much.

Once again eldest brother extracted Emily's tooth. As the Dutch would say, she now has a hole in her dike.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

A party for new parents

Celebrating with us on the eve of their Ugandan children coming home

Mysterious land, mystery man

The wind was wild

Cute cousins

The evermoving customers

A root beer float with nine straws, please. No, make that 11 root beer floats and one bottle to go.

Heat, water and little limbs

The girl who knows how to pose

Jane in the butterfly garden

Sweet baby E

The curious house

Fritz of the sunshiny disposition