Wednesday, October 13, 2010

East to West set 2

Travel by helicopter would have been faster, but these junior VIPs lent their helicopter to the hospital.

4 great grandkids

4 precious faces

One John Deere makes an 8 year old feel like a man.

Touching raw cotton for the first time.

Bunny asked to have his picture taken.

8 kids can eat a lot of pizza. Thanks everyone for hosting us on our whirlwind trip.


M & M said...

more sweet pictures. I wonder how much longer bunny will ask for his picture to be taken... Catch it while you can. :(

Jenny Smucker said...

What a great bunch of pictures! Looks like a fun trip. Homeschooling sure seems appealing, when you get to travel during the school year! :)

WigintonFamily said...

your kids are always so cute! it was so good to see you all! we should visit more often.

i am so sorry about little fritz (and the cleanup...) but i'm glad you got to have a good visit with Ben's family.