Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If only...

My computer was would see pictures. Alas, my computer sparked when it was turned on and all those unposted pictures are now inaccessible. Hopefully they are not lost forever. As I don't feel particularly eloquent at the moment and my head is hurting from either bleaching clothes or a pony tail that is too tight, I'm going to go lie down and dream of heaven where clothes stay radiant white.


WigintonFamily said...

oh no! i hope you can recover your pictures...

hope nobody disturbs your nap.

M & M said...

this post leaves me feeling depressed.
I hope at least that the clothes that were bleached were the ones meant to be bleached! :)

Anonymous said...

omg! the same thing happened to our computer...well sort of. it just crashed and i lost all my pictures too:( I hope u can recover yours.


Jenny Smucker said...

those are the best dreams! can't wait til we're experiencing it for real!