Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Less than Ordinary Educations

This WWII English girl leaves her family for the safety of the countryside and unknown foster parents. What a crazy era! I can't imagine if the US was at war on its own terra firma I would send my kids to Montana to utter strangers, but then again the houses on my street seem unlikely to tempt a bombardier and there are no munitions factories around the corner.

This title captured my attention. Beautifully-written. It was a thoughtful glimpse into one family's hardships as white pioneers in east and central Africa. I definitely need a tree of forgetfulness in my backyard. And I think everyone should have an aunt named Glug.

This one transports you into a crazy big family of homeschoolers. It was light-hearted and full of good sense. I think if you have 11 kids and you are not in a women's correctional facility than you would have to have laughter longer than the day and patience reaching to tomorrow.

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