Sure our Creator knows the number of hairs on our head, and of course, he knows the number of teeth in our jaws, yet sometimes I still forget what that means. It means He loves us dearly and nothing is random or unplanned. Unbeknownst to us earth dwellers, the dentist office set Teddy up with the perfect hygienist. God knew. As I told her that Teddy has some difficulty brushing his teeth due to his arm and hand issues, she told me that she has cerebral palsy and she could understand his weak hands perfectly, because she has one weak hand herself.
She was quite partial to Teddy and let him help hold the suction and the mirror. He rode up in down in the chair several times and was all smiles when he was finished. While his teeth were cleaned, it was really my heart that got the scrub down, because I realized God cares even about the dental details.
When Jane saw these photos, she said Teddy looks happy and that Emily and her were praying for his cooperative spirit while we were away. My heart sings to the Lord. "Let not your heart be troubled." God has got it all under control.