Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ink and Tears

Some books just make you cry.  Hence, you have our melancholy suggestions. 
Neighbor turned against neighbor, and within 3 months 1 million Rwandans lives were violently ended.   This book is written by a Tutsi who was hidden by a Hutu in the midst of the genocide.  As a survivor, she writes through the horrific pain and guilt of being alive while her loved ones were buried.   She writes about her Catholic faith sustaining her and how the message of Jesus' love and peace can rebuild a war torn country. 

As my hero here on the home front read a moving paragraph towards the end of the book to me, his eyes watered.  I know this has to be the real deal to illicit such a response from my Mr. Unemotional.

Another Ben read.  This one I hope to read too.  The author seems to have a great conversational writing style.  This is the reason I often choose books by their titles. 

After adopting, I now want to understand more about the life of orphans everywhere.  This book will incite anger and cause more mixing of ink and tears.  The great news is that the book has an incredible ending. 

This is an insider view into Islam and how the pure message of Jesus will cause internal friction to any other worldview.   Though externally there may be rejection of truth, Jesus used a persevering Christian to love a seeker of meaning into the Meaningful Life.  This qualifies as an ink and tears book, because the author had to weep as his journey to Christ meant his family and community turned their backs on him.
My Chinese son has changed me, so I quite understand how an organization was born through the author's own adoption story.  With approximately 600,000 orphans in China alone, you can understand the need for love and attention to those who have already lost so much. The year we adopted Teddy, he was one of 7,092 children internationally adopted by American families.   When you single out China, Teddy was one of only 2,306 children adopted by Americans that year.  Despite all the good work Half the Sky has introduced into orphanages, it is no substitute for a real mom and dad.  Many children wait for the stability and affection of a family.

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