Tuesday, May 29, 2007

9 years ago


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Wow, lots has happened in 9 years, hasn't it! Amazingly, Anna, you don't look a day older. I hope your special day is blessed. Congratulations!

WigintonFamily said...
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WigintonFamily said...

haha allison in galveston. i can't believe you knew that. but there was an emily in abilene, but that doesn't rhyme very well. that's why we can never name any of our girls emily. but when i was a little girl, i dreamed of having a daughter and naming her emily.

and yes that's clark's handwriting on that. which makes it so ironic cause he really really hates country music. i wonder if he had entered that contest if he would have won the truck. we'll never know now.