Friday, February 02, 2007

God's Gift of Purity

I am disgusted that Merck has been lobbying states to make a cervical cancer vaccine mandatory. Is there not a huge financial gain from their drug being mandatory for all girls? Just click the article link below...potential of 3 billion in sales. It may be hush hush in the medical community, but cervical cancer is caused 100% of the time by a virus that is sexually transmitted. Texas government has basically said 11 and 12 year old girls can't be trusted to keep themselves pure. As parents, we try so hard to instill in our children moral values in a culture of relativity. What a discouraging overreaching of government!!

On a positive note, we were given this fabulous book for our young children. I love what it teaches. The illustrations are enchanting and the story treasures what we hold sacred... "God's gift of purity." Do check it out at your local Christian bookstore.

1 comment:

WigintonFamily said...

i saw that article. i wonder if he can get away with that and if the state will really fund that. i'm doubting it'll pass without a fight.